Savoy Corpse Reviver


Glass: Cocktail



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Combine the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously until the drink is sufficiently chilled. Strain the drink into the chilled Cocktail glass.


This recipe was a new variation at the Savoy's American Bar that employed Fernet-Branca as an ingredient, coming almost two decades after the Corpse Reviver appeared in the Savoy Cocktail Book with its №1 and №2 variations. Salvatore Calabrese states in his book Classic Cocktails that it was created by Johnny Johnson of the Savoy circa 1948, and lists it as a Corpse Reviver №3. Others believe it was invented later in 1954 by Joe Gilmore, also of the Savoy.

Besides Calabrese, the Fernet version is sometimes categorized by others as the Corpse Reviver №3, but it is not standardized and it is sometimes referenced as the №4.

See more three ingredient cocktails.

Savoy Corpse Reviver origin story

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About the ingredients

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