Savoy Corpse Reviver


Vaso: Cocktail



Tu clasificación


Combina los ingredientes en una coctelera llena de hielo. Agite vigorosamente hasta que la bebida esté lo suficientemente fría. Cuela la bebida en el vaso Cocktail frío.


This recipe was a new variation at the Savoy's American Bar that employed Fernet-Branca as an ingredient, coming almost two decades after the Corpse Reviver appeared in the Savoy Cocktail Book with its №1 and №2 variations. Salvatore Calabrese states in his book Classic Cocktails that it was created by Johnny Johnson of the Savoy circa 1948, and lists it as a Corpse Reviver №3. Others believe it was invented later in 1954 by Joe Gilmore, also of the Savoy.

Besides Calabrese, the Fernet version is sometimes categorized by others as the Corpse Reviver №3, but it is not standardized and it is sometimes referenced as the №4.

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