South Side

También conocido como:


onz ml cl
Vaso: Cocktail



Tu clasificación


Combina los ingredientes en una coctelera llena de hielo. Agite vigorosamente hasta que la bebida esté lo suficientemente fría. Cuela la bebida en el vaso Cocktail frío. Decorar con el/la Ramita de menta.


South Side es un cóctel oficial de la IBA.

South Side origin story

Its origins are subject to speculation. It has been proposed that it gets its name from either the South Side district of the city of Chicago, Illinois, or from the Southside Sportsmen's Club on Long Island.

The drink may have been the preferred beverage of Al Capone, whose gang dominated Chicago's South Side. The gin imported by Capone's rivals on the North Side of Chicago was smooth, and usually consumed with ginger ale. However, the gin consumed by Al Capone's gang had a rougher finish, and required more sweeteners to make it palatable. Thus the South Side was born.

Cócteles similares a South Side

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Información nutricional

Calorías Grasa total Sodio Carbohidratos Azúcares Proteína
London Dry Gin ? ? ? ? ? ?
Clara de huevo ? ? ? ? ? ?
Zumo de limón 6,6 0,1 0,3 2,1 0,8 0,1
Hojas de menta ? ? ? ? ? ?
Jarabe de azúcar 39 0,0 1,8 10,1 9,1 0,0
Total 45,6 0,1 2,1 12,1 9,8 0,1

Sobre los ingredientes

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