

Verre: Cocktail



Votre note


Combinez les ingrédients dans un shaker rempli de glace. Agiter vigoureusement jusqu'à ce que la boisson soit suffisamment refroidie. Filtrer la boisson dans le verre à Cocktail refroidi. Garnir avec le/la Rondelle de citron vert.


Voir plus de cocktails à deux ingrédients.

Gimlet origin story

A 1928 description of the drink was: gin, and a spot of lime. A description in the 1953 Raymond Chandler novel The Long Goodbye stated that "a real gimlet is half gin and half Rose's lime juice and nothing else."This is in line with the proportions suggested by The Savoy Cocktail Book (1930), which specifies one half gin and one half lime juice. However, modern tastes are less sweet, and generally provide for up to four parts gin to one part lime cordial.

The derivation of the name of the cocktail is contested. It may be named after the tool for drilling small holes (alluding to its "piercing" effect on the drinker) or after the surgeon Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Gimlette (1857–1943), who is said to have first added lime cordial to gin to help combat the ravages of scurvy on long voyages.

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Apports nutritionnels

Calories Graisse Totale Sodium Glucides Sucres Protéine
Gin 206,1 0 2,8 0 0 0
Jus de citron vert concentré ? ? ? ? ? ?
Total 206,1 0 2,8 0 0 0

À propos des ingrédients

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