Cement mixer


Bicchiere: Shot



Il tuo punteggio


Unire gli ingredienti in uno shaker colmo di ghiaccio. Agitare energicamente fino a quando la bevanda non è sufficientemente fredda. Filtra la bevanda nel bicchiere Shot freddo.


The drink is generally ingested by taking the shot of Baileys, holding it in the mouth, then sipping the lime juice and mixing both liquids either by swirling them around in the mouth or shaking the head. The drink may also be combined as a layered shot, as the lime juice is less dense than most brands of Irish Cream.

In a few cases, the acidic lime juice causes the cream-based Baileys to curdle. The curdled Baileys does not taste sour, but it does rapidly gain viscosity and stick to the drinker's teeth, reminiscent of cement. For a sweeter taste, two shot glasses, one of lemonade and one of Baileys, can be used.

Vedi altri cocktail a due ingredienti.

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Valori Nutrizionali

Calorie Totale grassa Sodio Carboidrati Zuccheri Proteina
Baileys Irish Cream ? ? ? ? ? ?
Succo di lime 12,5 0,0 1 4,2 0,8 0,2
Totale 12,5 0,0 1 4,2 0,8 0,2

A proposito degli ingredienti

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