Fassionola: Fassionola is a typically red colored syrup that is fruit flavored (passion fruit and others) that was more frequently used in tropical drinks during the 1930s but is now a relatively unusual ingredient. It also comes in green and gold varieties that sometimes are made to taste differently. It is used as a fruit punch concentrate and some claim that a red colored fruit syrup called fassionola was an ingredient in the original Hurricane cocktail. Although a frequent attribution, solid evidence of fassionola's use in the Hurricane from before 1956 is currently lacking, and it is not known what were the precise ingredients in the earliest version of fassionola.
Sciroppo di granatina: La granatina (anche detta sciroppo di granatina) è uno sciroppo analcolico, utilizzato per la preparazione di granite e di cocktail, sia alcolici sia di tipo soft drink. Originariamente a base di melagrana, prende il suo nome dalla denominazione granata con cui è anche noto il frutto. Per estensione impropria può essere chiamata granatina anche la bibita a base di ghiaccio e di questo sciroppo.