Lillet Blanc: Lillet, classed as an aromatised wine within EU law, is a French wine-based aperitif from Podensac. It is a blend of 85% Bordeaux region wines (Semillon for the Blanc and for the Rosé, Merlot for the Rouge) and 15% macerated liqueurs, mostly citrus liqueurs (peels of sweet oranges from Spain and Morocco and peels of bitter green oranges from Haiti). The mix is then stirred in oak vats until blended. During the aging process, Lillet is handled as a Bordeaux wine (undergoing fining, racking, filtering etc.). In the original Kina Lillet formulation (so named with respect to its status as a quinquina), quinine liqueur made of cinchona bark from Peru was included among its ingredients. "Lillet" belongs to a family of aperitifs known as tonic wines because of the addition of quinine liqueur. The Lillet Blanc is a sweeter variant of the white-wine-based version with reduced quinine flavoring. It replaced Kina Lillet.
Gin: Il gin è una bevanda alcolica, solitamente incolore, ottenuta per distillazione di un fermentato ricavato solitamente da cereali o patate in cui viene messa a macerare una miscela di erbe, spezie, piante, bacche e radici: i botanicals (in italiano "botaniche"). Tra queste devono essere sempre presenti i galbuli di ginepro che caratterizzano il profumo e il gusto. Il nome del distillato deriva proprio da questa pianta.