Fuzzy Navel

Também conhecido como:


Copo: Highball



Sua nota


Combine os ingredientes em um copo Highball gelado cheio de gelo e misture até a bebida estar suficientemente gelada.


"Fuzzy" in the name refers to the peach, and "navel" to the orange. A Fuzzy Navel is a mixed drink made from peach schnapps and orange juice. Generally an equal amount of each component is used to concoct it, although quantities may vary. It can also be made with lemonade or a splash of vodka depending on the drinker's taste.

Veja mais coquetéis de dois ingredientes.

Estória de origem de Fuzzy Navel

In 1984, National Distillers launched DeKuyper Original Peachtree, the first peach flavor schnapps sold in the United States. Inspired by the Screwdriver (vodka and orange juice), Peachtree and orange juice was quickly popularized across the country, particularly among women seeking a sweeter, low calorie vodka alternative. By 1985, Peachtree was the #1 selling schnapps brand in the U.S.

As part of a wider marketing campaign, National Distillers worked with an ad agency to create names for DeKuyper schnapps drink recipes, eventually landing on “Fuzzy Navel” for the popular Peachtree and orange juice combination.

The prominence of mixed drinks incorporating schnapps during the 1980s, including the fuzzy navel, the Slippery Nipple, and the Teeny Weeny Woo Woo, was described by New York Times critic William Grimes as "a kind of cult, rallying points for young drinkers in search of fun and not too picky about taste".

Coquetéis similares a Fuzzy Navel

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Informação Nutricional

Calorias Gordura Total Sódio Carboidratos Açúcar Proteína
Peach Schnapps ? ? ? ? ? ?
Suco de laranja 22,5 0,1 0,5 5,2 4,2 0,4
Total 22,5 0,1 0,5 5,2 4,2 0,4

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