Horse's Neck


onça ml cl
Copo: Highball



Sua nota


Pour Cognac and ginger ale directly into highball glass with ice cubes. Stir gently. Add 2 dashes of Angostura Bitter. Garnish with rind of one lemon spiral.


Horse's Neck é um coquetel IBA oficial.

The key to a Horse's Neck is the lemon peel which swirls inside the glass, slowly infusing the cocktail as you drink it. The goal is to cut the longest lemon spiral you can.

Veja mais coquetéis de três ingredientes.

Estória de origem de Horse's Neck

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Informação Nutricional

Calorias Gordura Total Sódio Carboidratos Açúcar Proteína
Cognac 83,7 0 0 0 0 0
Angostura Bitters ? ? ? ? ? ?
Refrigerante de gengibre ? ? ? ? ? ?
Total 83,7 0 0 0 0 0

Sobre os ingredientes

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