South Side

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onça ml cl
Copo: Cocktail



Sua nota


Combine os ingredientes em uma coqueteleira com gelo. Chacoalhe vigorosamente até a bebida estar suficientemente gelada. Coe a bebida no copo Cocktail gelado. Enfeite com o/a Raminho de hortelã.


South Side é um coquetel IBA oficial.

Estória de origem de South Side

Its origins are subject to speculation. It has been proposed that it gets its name from either the South Side district of the city of Chicago, Illinois, or from the Southside Sportsmen's Club on Long Island.

The drink may have been the preferred beverage of Al Capone, whose gang dominated Chicago's South Side. The gin imported by Capone's rivals on the North Side of Chicago was smooth, and usually consumed with ginger ale. However, the gin consumed by Al Capone's gang had a rougher finish, and required more sweeteners to make it palatable. Thus the South Side was born.

Coquetéis similares a South Side

0 pessoa executou essa receita

Informação Nutricional

Calorias Gordura Total Sódio Carboidratos Açúcar Proteína
London Dry Gin ? ? ? ? ? ?
Clara do ovo ? ? ? ? ? ?
Suco de limão siciliano 6,6 0,1 0,3 2,1 0,8 0,1
Folhas de menta ? ? ? ? ? ?
Xarope de açúcar 39 0,0 1,8 10,1 9,1 0,0
Total 45,6 0,1 2,1 12,1 9,8 0,1

Sobre os ingredientes

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