Agua de Sevilla


oz ml cl
Glass: Pitcher



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Combine the ingredients in a chilled Pitcher glass filled with ice and stir until the drink is sufficiently chilled. Garnish with the Yerba buena.


Some recipes call for an additional cup of rum, and others substitute cognac for triple sec. Some also call for shaved ice.

Recipes instruct to crush the ice until it is shaved and serve in champagne glasses with a leaf of hierba buena.

See more four ingredient cocktails.

0 people have tried this recipe

Nutrition Facts

Calories Total Fat Sodium Carbs Sugars Protein
Cava ? ? ? ? ? ?
Triple sec 296.4 0 0 74.3 74.3 7.4
Whisky ? ? ? ? ? ?
Pineapple juice ? ? ? ? ? ?
Total 296.4 0 0 74.3 74.3 7.4

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