Alabama Slammer

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oz ml cl
Glass: Cocktail



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Build the ingredients (except the Orange juice) into the chilled Cocktail glass. Stir gently. Top with the Orange juice.

Alabama Slammer origin story

References to the Alabama Slammer appear as early as Playboy Bartender's Guide by Thomas Mario in 1971.

ALABAMA SLAMMER 1 oz. Southern Comfort, ½ oz. sloe gin, 1 oz. amaretto, ½ oz. orange juice. Pour into highball glass over rocks. Stir.


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Nutrition Facts

Calories Total Fat Sodium Carbs Sugars Protein
Orange juice 72 0.3 1.6 16.6 13.4 1.1
Amaretto 91.8 0.1 0.0 9.4 9.4 0.0
Sloe gin ? ? ? ? ? ?
Southern Comfort ? ? ? ? ? ?
Total 163.8 0.4 1.6 26.1 22.9 1.2

About the ingredients

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