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onz ml cl
Vaso: Double rocks



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Combina los ingredientes en un vaso Double rocks enfriado lleno de hielo y revuelve hasta que la bebida esté lo suficientemente fría.


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Gunfire origin story

It is unknown when gunfire was concocted, but it is known that it was mixed by British Army soldiers during the 1890s. Gunfire is served by officers and non-commissioned officers to lower ranks before a morning attack (as a form of Dutch courage) and as a celebration before a Passing out parade. It is also traditionally served to soldiers in their beds by their officers on Christmas Day at reveille if they are deployed over Christmas. Individual regiments may carry out the ritual on other days: for example, in the Royal Tank Regiment gunfire is served on Cambrai Day; in the Queen's Royal Hussars on Balaclava Day and Saint Patrick's Day; and in the Royal Dragoon Guards gunfire made with whiskey on St Patrick's Day.

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