Russian Spring Punch


onces ml cl
Verre: Highball



Votre note


Combinez les ingrédients (sauf le/la Vin pétillant) dans un shaker rempli de glace. Agiter vigoureusement jusqu'à ce que la boisson soit suffisamment refroidie. Filtrer la boisson dans le verre à Highball refroidi. Compléter avec le/la Vin pétillant.


Russian Spring Punch est un cocktail officiel IBA.

Russian Spring Punch origin story

The Russian Spring Punch was created in London, England by Dick Bradsell in the 1980s. He claims not to remember which bar he was working at at the time, but tells the story of how he created the recipe for personal friends wishing to hold a cocktail party while minimizing the amount of money they had to spend on alcohol. Participants were provided with the vodka, cassis, sugar syrup and lemon juice, and were asked to bring their own sparkling wine. It is named for the russian vodka, and the Tom Collins, which is a spring drink.

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Apports nutritionnels

Calories Graisse Totale Sodium Glucides Sucres Protéine
Vin pétillant ? ? ? ? ? ?
Crème de Cassis ? ? ? ? ? ?
Vodka 57,8 0 0,3 0 0 0
Jus de citron 5,5 0,1 0,2 1,7 0,6 0,1
Sirop de sucre 26 0,0 1,2 6,7 6,0 0,0
Total 89,3 0,1 1,7 8,4 6,7 0,1

À propos des ingrédients

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