per valutare questa ricetta di cocktail
Unire gli ingredienti in un mixing glass colmo di ghiaccio e mescolate fino a quando la bevanda non sarà sufficientemente fredda. Filtra la bevanda nel bicchiere Cocktail freddo. Decorare con il/la Buccia d'arancia.
Orange Bitters: Orange bitters is a form of bitters, a cocktail flavoring made from such ingredients as the peels of Seville oranges, cardamom, caraway seed, coriander, anise, and burnt sugar in an alcohol base. Orange bitters, which are not to be confused with the standard Angostura aromatic bitters, are currently enjoying a resurgence among cocktail enthusiasts. It is to be noted that the well-known House of Angostura is one of the producers of orange bitters.
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